Ecotrend Participated in Recruitment of Local Graduation Ceremony in Cambodia
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Ecotrend Participated in Recruitment of Local Graduation Ceremony in Cambodia

Views: 28     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-11-13      Origin: Site Inquire

The issue of employment has tremendous significance for everyone. Career is the foundation of people's livelihood, the essential prerequisite of living, and approach for improving their lives. For countries, it has become one of the enduring problems of society. 

As a foreign enterprise of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete manufacturing, Ecotrend has the responsibility to help alleviate local employment problems. The main labor force will be locals, which is part of Ecotrend's plan. On the one hand, it can provide employment opportunities for locals; on the other hand, it also reduces labor costs. 


Chueh Kwan School has a long history of Chinese education. The school was founded in 1924, located in the southwest of Cambodia, which is the largest Chinese school in the county-level city of Cambodia. Students who graduated from Chueh Kwan can speak both Chinese and Khmer; some can even speak English.


Since Khmer is a small language, people who can speak English or Chinese will be constructive for future work communication. Besides, those graduates are the young blood with passions; the company requires talent like them.