Comparison of properties between AAC panels and blocks
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Comparison of properties between AAC panels and blocks

Views: 608     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-05-05      Origin: Site Inquire

AAC panel  AAC Block

AAC blocks and AAC panels are used in a wide variety of projects, such as commercial, factory and residential buildings, etc. AAC products are easy to install, have a wide range of applications, and are highly accurate in construction, while greatly improving building performance and reducing construction costs.

There are many commonalities between AAC blocks and AAC panels, however, there are some subtle differences between them in terms of specifications, performance, construction, decorations, construction speed and quality.

1. Different Specifications

AAC blocks and AAC panels have different specifications. Take Ecotrend AAC blocks and Ecotrend AAC panels for example, here is a comparison of their specifications:

Ecotrend AAC Block Product Model

Ecotrend AAC Block Product Model

Ecotrend AAC Panel Product Model

Ecotrend AAC Panel Product Model

2. Different Performance

AAC wall blocks and AAC wall panels are both lightweight wall materials. Compared with traditional wall materials, they both have excellent performance, whether in terms of seismic performance or strength and durability.

In addition, AAC blocks and AAC panels have good thermal, acoustic, fire and moisture resistance properties. The following two tables compare the performance differences between Ecotrend's AAC external wall blocks and AAC external wall panels.

Ecotrend AAC External Wall Block Performance


B04 Grade

B05 Grade

B06 Grade

Dry Density(kg/m³)




Compressive Strength(Mpa/m³)




Thermal Conductivity(W/(m*K)




Drying Shrinkage(mm/m)




Freezing Resistance

Quality Loss(%)




Strength after Freezing(Mpa)




Softening Factor


Penetration Resistance


Fire Resistance(Hour)

≥3hour(Block Wall Thickness:100mm)

Average Sound Insulation(dB)

40.8(Block thickness:100mm, with double sides putty)

Size Deviation(mm)

Length±2, Width±1, Thickness±1

Ecotrend AAC External Wall Panel Performance


B04 Grade

B05 Grade

B06 Grade

Dry Density(kg/m³)




Compressive Strength(Mpa/m³)




Thermal Conductivity(W/(m*K)




Drying Shrinkage(mm/m)


Freezing Resistance

Quality Loss(%)




Strength after Freezing(Mpa)




Softening Factor


Penetration Resistance


Fire Resistance(Hour)

≥ 4 hour(Panel Wall Thickness:100mm)

Average Sound Insulation(dB)

40.8(Panel thickness:100mm, with double sides putty)

Size Deviation(mm)

Length±2, Width±1, Thickness±1

3. Different Construction

  • Structure

AAC board as wall panel does not need structural column and reinforcement belt or ring beam, doors and windows do not need lintel, they can be used independently without any auxiliary structure.

AAC block as wall, the length exceeds 6 meters requires additional structural column to increase its stability according to the architectural design, and the height exceeds 4 meters requires additional concrete ring beam; laying two layers of aerated block requires reinforcement belt to increase stability.

  • Construction Method

AAC panels do not need masonry mortar, as long as the contact with the slab or column or beam can be extruded with bonding plaster, and the amount is less.

AAC blocks need a great deal of masonry mortar for the construction of post and beam and reinforcement strips to connect into walls.

4. Different Design

AAC panels are generally used for internal partition wall, and their thickness is about 100mm. Generally speaking, AAC panels' design can meet the requirements of sound insulation, fire resistance and thermal insulation.

When AAC blocks are used as internal partition wall, they are generally designed to be 200mm thick, and if thinner, they need to be processed before they can be used. At the same time, they need to strengthen the auxiliary structure because of poor stability.

Using AAC panels as internal partitions significantly enlarges the usable area by about 8%, and AAC panels are commonly much lighter than blocks. Thus the amount of foundation, beams, columns and reinforcement will be much smaller.

When using AAC blocks as internal partitions with a conventional design thickness of 200mm, the occupied area will be doubled compared to using AAC panels.

5. Different Construction Speed

  • Installation

Since AAC panels are produced according to the secondary design of the drawings, they are finished products ready to be jointed directly on site upon arrival at the construction site, and they have the quality of light weight, therefore workers can install the construction faster.

Compared with AAC panels, the installation speed will be slower since AAC blocks are standard general-purpose materials and masonry mortar needs to be prepared during installation.

  • Auxiliary Structure

ALC panels do not need structural columns, ring beams and reinforcement bands, so the construction period can be shorter; AAC blocks need structural rooms and ring beams to aid the installation, so the construction speed will be somewhat limited.

  • Different Decoration

No double-sided plastering is required for AAC panels, which is a dry construction method, so the construction speed can be improved; while AAC blocks require double-sided plastering, which is a wet construction method, so the construction speed will be influenced to a certain extent.


All in all, AAC blocks and AAC panels are excellent building materials. Because of their natural ingredients and non-toxic properties, AAC products are becoming the building product of choice for constructing homes, hotels, industrial and public buildings, and are energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

If you would like to learn more about the differences in properties between AAC blocks and AAC panels, or if you are considering purchasing AAC products, contact Ecotrend today and we have the most professional team to provide you with suggestions and solutions.